Second Annual Instructional Coaching Conference
I am very excited to share our plans for the 2nd Annual Instructional Coaching Conference. Last year’s conference was a wonderful success with great presenters, meaningful and fun coaching dialogues, and many, many learning opportunities for everyone. I truly think this year’s conference promises to be even more successful.
Our list of lead presenter/authors is a who’s who of the nation’s experts on instructional coaching
• Joellen Killion, Deputy Executive Director of the National Staff Development Council, has graciously agreed to return to our conference and share insights from her new book Taking the lead: New roles for teachers and school-based coaches as well as information on how the NSDC standards can inform the work of instructional coaches.
• Jane Kise, will elaborate on many of the ideas in her book, Differentiated Coaching, and lead us through our own Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment. Individualized assessments will be available on line for all registered conference attendees.
• Lucy West will explain many of the central ideas in her book Content-Focused Coaching. Lucy, one of the leaders establishing the highly successful coaching program in District Two in New York City, consults with numerous districts and state agencies across the nation.
Other features of the conference include:
• A learning carousel with all eight coaches featured in Instructional Coaching: A partnership approach to improving instruction. Conference participants be able to listen to short presentations and share ideas with each of the experts featured in the book
• Cutting-edge information on coaching research conducted at the Center for Research on Learning
• “Open Space” sessions for participants to engage in dialogue with other coaches and educators on the topics that are of most interested to them
• Panel discussions describing instructional coaching programs around the country
• An instructional coaching bookstore
• Release of our first “beta-versions” of instructional coaching strategies available free to all participants
The conference fee is $450.00 total for the three days. Registration forms for the conference are available online at
Since last year’s conference sold out by late August we suggest you register soon to ensure you are able to attend.
Should you have any additional questions regarding this conference, please feel to contact Carol Hatton at the Center for Research on Learning. Carol can be reached by calling 785-864-0629 or through email at chatton@KU.EDU.
Best wishes,
Jim Knight