Next instructional coaching conference is just around the corner

It seems hard to believe, but this year’s Instructional Coaching Conference is less than two months away, scheduled for October 27 – 29, 2014 at the Oread Hotel in Lawrence, Kansas.
We’ve had some amazing people present over the years, but this year might be our best. Many of my heroes will be presenting on various aspects of coaching including internationally recognized coaching expert Joellen Killion, who has written numerous books on coaching for Learning Forward; Christian Van Nieuwerburgh, from London, England who has a new, incredibly useful book, An Introduction to Coaching Skills; Jamie Almanzán, who is one of our leading experts on coaching and cultural literacy; and John Campbell, an expert on coaching in Australia and the developer of Growth Coaching Model. Rebecca Frazier will be sharing her research on the characteristics of effective coaches, and Marti Elford will be giving presentations on her research on Bug-In-The-Ear Instructional Coaching, her absolutely fascinating work studying Instructional Coaching done with the use of Avatar technology, and her work introducing coaching to Zambia.
We also have an amazing and diverse group of instructional experts who will be presenting more broadly about teaching and learning including, one of the best presenters I’ve ever seen, Marcia Tate, who will be talking about what coaches need to know about engaging students. I’m thrilled that one of our presenters is Donalyn Miller, who is the author of my favorite book about reading, The Book Whisperer. David Ross from the Buck Institute, arguably the world’s leading Center studying Project-Based Learning, will be discussing what coaches need to know about PBL.
I will be presenting our most recent research including an update on the revised coaching cycle that I’m writing about right now for my upcoming Coaching Cycle book, the tools to be released in the Better Conversations Communication Workbook slated to be released soon, and our research studying how to coach coaches. I’ll also be offering quick reviews of how coaches can use the resources in Focus on Teaching and High-Impact Instruction to improve teaching and learning.
There will be a lot of free tools, and for the first time, we’ll be offering a limited number of free one-to-one coaching sessions for leaders who want to look at how they can better create highly effective coaching programs.
You can read more about the conference here:
You can register here: